Teaching your dog basic training commands will create a good bond between you both and will make your life easier when it comes to deal with behaviour problems.
The first rule to condition your dog to obey any command is: act according to what you are talking about. Teaching your dog to stay, for example, and then walking away and sending him to follow you will cause him to learn to disobey what you are saying.
First you teach them indoors with no distractions, once the dog obeys your command it is time to try outdoors, first in your garden then move to the park.

Teaching the dog in a positive way, using a snack to induce him to move, is the best way. Also the sit position will be the first command to teach him if you want to introduce harder commands like "Stay" and "Come".
🐾 Show the dog their favourite treat
🐾 Hold their treat close to their nose
🐾 Move your hand up and make them follow your hand, naturally their body will get down and they will sit
🐾 Tell them "Sit" and reward them with treat and show them love and affection

This is probably the most important command you can teach your dog. If by accident they come loose from their leash close to a busy road or you left your front door open, it could be a lifesaver for your dog to respond to your command.
It can be challenging and requires a lot of repetition but once your dog learns this command they could be rewarded with an off-leash experience.
🐾 Have their favourite treat ready
🐾 Put a leash on your dog
🐾 Gently pulling their leash you said "Come"
🐾 When they come you reward them with a treat and show them affection
🐾 You can also try just looking at them and say the word "Come" instead of using the leash.
Always use this word "Come" for a positive activity, like going to the park, tasty snacks, playing... Avoid use this word for when you need to leave the park, go to the vet or something that might be unpleasant for your dog like a bath or groomer. They need to associate this word with a positive and pleasant reward.

After your dog mastered the command "Sit" they will be ready to learn their next command which is "Stay".
Will be handy for when you have guests in your house and you need your dog to calm down because he's excited or even prevent him to getting involved in a dangerous situations.
This is a difficult command for your dog to learn, it requires a lot of practice and patience.
🐾 Always have his treat ready
🐾 Ask your dog to "Sit" then open your hand in the front of you and say "Stay"
🐾 Take a few steps back and even for a few seconds if they stay you reward them
🐾 Increase your steps with time
🐾 Reward them with treats and affection

This also will be one of the hardest commands for your dog to learn, so it will require a lot of training. Because this is a submissive position will be hard for your dog and you need to make sure they are very relaxed and calm.
🐾 Have their "special" favourite treat in your closed fist
🐾 Let them give a nice sniff then move your hand to the floor
🐾 Move your hand to encourage their body to follow their head
🐾 Once they are in the position you said "Down" and give their treat
🐾 You can also try to place their treat between their paws
Praising and giving lots of love with their treat will help them to understand what you want them to do. Always keep your energy calm and not excited. You want to teach them how to be calm when they are learning a new command.
By Silvia.
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Great article! Learning basic commands is essential for both dogs and their owners to have a happy and safe relationship.